New volunteer programme to help older patients reduce risk of fall

National Health Executive | September 2021 | New volunteer programme to help older patients reduce risk of fall

This article explains how a new volunteering programme at Kingston Hospital NHS FT, which is funded by the volunteering organisation Helpforce and the Kingston is aiming to bring trained volunteers into the homes of older patients to provide one-to-one support.

The Falls Prevention Community Exercise Volunteers programme is being run by the volunteering service at Kingston Hospital NHS FT, which is funded by the volunteering organisation Helpforce and the Kingston Hospital Charity.

During this programme, volunteers will visit patients at their home once a week for eight weeks and help them with a range of targeted exercises. Volunteers will help patients stay mobile and active, providing information about local physical activities that meet the patient’s needs.

Additionally, for the first four weeks volunteers will have phone calls with patients to encourage engagement with the exercises, including supporting their general well-being.

NHS trusts and community physiotherapists have welcomed the new volunteering programme, given the benefits it is expected to bring in helping ensure patients receive the right support at home

The intervention is anticipated to help reduce the risk of patients being readmitted due to falls.(Source: NHE).

Full story from the National Health Executive

Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme August 2019 – July 2021

Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme | August 2021 | Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme Report 3: August 2019 – July 2021

COVID-19 has obviously had a big impact on Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme (PQIP.) The average number of locked cases since our last report (in 2019) is 90 cases per week, compared with 101 in our first cohort and 178 in our second. However, the average number of locked cases between the last report and when COVID-19 hit the NHS in March 2020 was 203 per week. So, PQIP are really optimistic that we will now get back up to more than 200 patients recruited per week, as a result of your continuing amazing efforts, and yet more hospitals joining every month.

The general landscape for patients having surgery in the NHS is even more challenging than ever before, because
of waiting list growth and the risk of patients becoming more deconditioned while they wait for surgery. For this
reason, there has never been a greater need for the type of improvements which PQIP is trying to promote

The report identifies 5 QI priorities for 2021/22, these are:

  • Recruitment strategy
  • DrEaMing (Drinking, Eating and Mobilising within 24h of surgery)
  • Individualised Risk assessment
  • Individualised pain management
  • High quality data to inform research and local improvement (Source: PQIP).

Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme Report 3: August 2019 – July 2021

Artificial intelligence tool rules out COVID-19 within an hour in emergency departments #Covid19RftLks

NIHR | September 2021 | Artificial intelligence tool rules out COVID-19 within an hour in emergency departments

This paper describes the findings of the largest laboratory artificial intelligence study on COVID-19 to date, training with clinical data from more than 115 000 patients presenting to hospital. The authors of this research utilise artificial intelligence (AI) and apply techniques to a rich clinical dataset (electronic health records) to develop and assess two context-specific artificial intelligence- driven and rapidly deployable screening model for COVID-19. This study, to the best knowledge of its authors, is also the first to integrate laboratory blood tests with point-of-care measurements of blood gases and vital signs.

They posit that such a tool would facilitate rapid exclusion of COVID-19 in patients presenting to hospital, optimising patient flow and serving as a pretest where access to confirmatory molecular testing is limited (Source: NIHR & Soltan et al, 2021).

See also:

NIHR Alert: Artificial intelligence tool rules out COVID-19 within an hour in emergency departments

Rapid triage for COVID-19 using routine clinical data for patients attending hospital: development and prospective validation of an artificial intelligence screening test [primary paper]

NHSX: What Good Looks Like framework

NHS X | 31 August 2021 | What Good Looks Like framework

The What Good Looks Like (WGLL) programme draws on local learning. It builds on established good practice to provide clear guidance for health and care leaders to digitise, connect and transform services safely and securely. This will improve the outcomes, experience and safety of our citizens. WGLL sets out what good looks like at both a systems and an organisational level. WGLL is included in ICS service design, as well as the NHS Operational Planning and Contracting Design, as this framework is expected to inform the acceleration of digital and data transformation.

Image source: nhsx

WGLL has 7 success measures, these are:

  • Well led
  • Ensure smart foundations
  • Safe practice
  • Support people
  • Empower citizens
  • Improve care
  • Healthy populations

The framework also outlines:

How will we support you?

What does good look like for Integrated Care Systems?

What does good look like for your organisation?

NHS X What Good Looks Like framework

Learning from patient safety incidents involving acutely sick adults in hospital assessment units in England and Wales: a mixed methods analysis for quality improvement

Urquhart, A., Yardley, S. Thomas, E., Donaldson, L. & Carson-Stevens, A.| 2021 | Learning from patient safety incidents involving acutely sick adults in hospital assessment units in England and Wales: a mixed methods analysis for quality improvement| Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine | doi:10.1177/01410768211032589

This mixed methods study sought to understand the most frequent patient safety incidents resulting in severe harm or death, and their characteristics, from acute medical units in England and Wales. Its key objectives were to:

  1. Describe the characteristics of incidents, including type, contributory factors and harm outcomes
    Interpret contributory factors in relation to incident types
  2. Identify incident themes and metathemes to inform priorities for improvement

The findings of this study confirm that diagnostic error was very prevalent. Lack of attention paid by healthcare staff or patients to coincidental signs and symptoms can prevent differential diagnoses being considered. Diagnostic error was often due to misinterpretation of ‘routine’ investigations and results were not acted upon or tests were requested without a clear understanding of what results would add to care (Source: Urquhart, Yardley, Thomas, Donaldson, & Carson-Stevens, 2021).

Learning from patient safety incidents involving acutely sick adults in hospital assessment units in England and Wales: a mixed methods analysis for quality improvement [primary paper]

Use of artificial intelligence for image analysis in breast cancer screening programmes: systematic review of test accuracy

Freeman, K. et al | 2021| Use of artificial intelligence for image analysis in breast cancer screening programmes: systematic review of test accuracy| BMJ| 374 | n1872 | doi:10.1136/bmj.n1872

This review was commissioned by the UK National Screening Committee to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to use artificial intelligence (AI) for mammographic image analysis in breast screening practice. The research team’s aim was to assess the accuracy of AI to detect breast cancer when integrated into breast screening programmes, with a focus on the cancer type detected. They identified 12 studies which evaluated commercially available or in-house convolutional neural network AI systems, of which nine included a comparison with radiologists. The reviewers’ findings disagree with the publicity some studies have received and opinions published in various journals, which claim that AI systems outperform humans and might soon be used instead of experienced radiologists (Source: Freeman et al, 2021).



To examine the accuracy of artificial intelligence (AI) for the detection of breast cancer in mammography screening practice.


Systematic review of test accuracy studies.

Data sources 

Medline, Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews from 1 January 2010 to 17 May 2021.

Eligibility criteria 

Studies reporting test accuracy of AI algorithms, alone or in combination with radiologists, to detect cancer in women’s digital mammograms in screening practice, or in test sets. Reference standard was biopsy with histology or follow-up (for screen negative women). Outcomes included test accuracy and cancer type detected.

Study selection and synthesis 

Two reviewers independently assessed articles for inclusion and assessed the methodological quality of included studies using the QUality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2 (QUADAS-2) tool. A single reviewer extracted data, which were checked by a second reviewer. Narrative data synthesis was performed.


Twelve studies totalling 131 822 screened women were included. No prospective studies measuring test accuracy of AI in screening practice were found. Studies were of poor methodological quality. Three retrospective studies compared AI systems with the clinical decisions of the original radiologist, including 79 910 women, of whom 1 878 had screen detected cancer or interval cancer within 12 months of screening. Thirty four (94 per cent ) of 36 AI systems evaluated in these studies were less accurate than a single radiologist, and all were less accurate than consensus of two or more radiologists. Five smaller studies (1086 women, 520 cancers) at high risk of bias and low generalisability to the clinical context reported that all five evaluated AI systems (as standalone to replace radiologist or as a reader aid) were more accurate than a single radiologist reading a test set in the laboratory. In three studies, AI used for triage screened out 53 per cent, 45 per cent, and 50 per cent of women at low risk but also 10 per cent, 4 per cent , and 0 per cent of cancers detected by radiologists.


 Current evidence for AI does not yet allow judgement of its accuracy in breast cancer screening programmes, and it is unclear where on the clinical pathway AI might be of most benefit. AI systems are not sufficiently specific to replace radiologist double reading in screening programmes. Promising results in smaller studies are not replicated in larger studies. Prospective studies are required to measure the effect of AI in clinical practice. Such studies will require clear stopping rules to ensure that AI does not reduce programme specificity.

The BMJ Use of artificial intelligence for image analysis in breast cancer screening programmes: systematic review of test accuracy [primary paper]

Introduction to quality improvement for healthcare professionals

Health Quality Improvement Partnership | September 2021 | Introduction to quality improvement for healthcare professionals

This module provides an overview of quality improvement (QI) for healthcare professionals. The sessions cover:

  • Definition of clinical quality
  • Quality improvement principles
  • Use of quality improvement tools

Further information is available from HQIP

See also: HQIP A guide to quality improvement tools

£12 million funding to artificial intelligence research to help understand multiple long-term conditions

NIHR | September 2021 | NIHR awards £12 million to artificial intelligence research to help understand multiple long-term conditions

The National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) is funding around £12 million to new research that will use advanced data science and artificial intelligence (AI) techniquess to identify and understand clusters of multiple long-term conditions and develop ways to prevent and treat them. The first wave has invested nearly £12 million into three Research Collaborations, nine Development Awards and a Research Support Facility

An estimated 14 million people in England are living with two or more long-term conditions, with two-thirds of adults aged over 65 expected to be living with multiple long-term conditions by 2035. 

People who develop multiple long-term conditions often experience a largely predictable cluster of conditions. Developing a better understanding of these disease clusters, including how they develop over the life course and are influenced by wider determinants of health, requires novel research and analytical tools that can operate across complex datasets.

The Artificial Intelligence for Multiple Long-Term Conditions (AIM) in collaboration with NHSX NHS AI Lab, funds research that combines data science and AI methods with health, care and social science expertise to identify new clusters of disease and understand how multiple long-term conditions develop over the life course. 

The call will fund up to £23 million in total of research in two waves, supporting a pipeline of research and capacity building in multiple long-term conditions research (Source: NIHR)..

NIHR awards £12 million to artificial intelligence research to help understand multiple long-term conditions [ unabridged press release]

COVID-19 shared learning from NHS trusts

NHS Employers | September 2021 | COVID-19 shared learning from NHS trusts

In these case studies NHS Employers provides case study examples of shared learning illustrating how NHS trusts have adapted and innovated during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Case studies include:

Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust: investing in technology to bolster staff engagement

North East London NHS Foundation Trust: bespoke support for line managers

Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust: reaching staff through good communication

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals: building a symbol of gratitude

East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust: supporting BME colleagues through the pandemic

Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust: supporting staff to work from home

COVID-19 shared learning from NHS trusts

Can pizza lead to sustainable quality improvement in the NHS?

NHS Providers | September 2021 |  Can pizza lead to sustainable quality improvement in the NHS?

This blog post from Nicola Burgess highlights the principle of fostering informal talk as part of formal routines represents an effective mechanism for breaking down silos, sharing knowledge for collaborative improvement and fostering connectedness between those that steer the organisation at a strategic level, and those who lead the organisation at an operational level (and at the frontline of service delivery).

Can pizza lead to sustainable quality improvement in the NHS?